A Block 6 speed painting by Michael B. Learning to become an artist looks different for each individual. Every Evolve artist path is unique and can offer up guidance and encouragement for fellow students.One artist who has a very inspiring path, is that of Michael, one of the very first Evolve artist students. Throughout his education … read more


In order to mix paint correctly, there are several important things to keep in mind.  As painters, paint mixing is one of the most important parts of any piece of art. The ability to properly mix paint and produce the correct hue, value, and saturation that the painting needs is a critical tool.  Failing to … read more

oil painting process

The Oil painting process is comprised of three moving parts: value, color, and edge. (Painting by Evolve student Janette M.)The oil painting process can seem unachievable for beginner artists. However, every single oil painting can be broken down into three moving parts, simplifying both the painting and the process.Although each category has many facets and details … read more


Social media for artists: is it helpful or hurtful?Modern-day artists are continually looking for ways to expand the reach of their art, and one of the most popular ways is social media. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many more, have millions of users and accounts that cover every interest imaginable. For artists, social media … read more

how to develop creativity as an artist

Can creativity be developed? If so, how can artists develop creativity? Keep reading to find out more. Photo by Michael B. of Evolve ArtistHave you ever sat in front of your blank canvas and wondered when the creativity will hit? Maybe you’re just out of ideas and feeling completely uninspired. The good news is that … read more